Zip for IT and Security

Evaluate vendors and influence selection

Assess vendor requests with all the documentation you need in hand. Enable better decisions by integrating your approval requirements into the intake-to-procure process.

Get involved earlier

Leverage the procurement intake process to establish vendor requirements and catch duplicative requests early.

Create a single source of truth

Consolidate all vendor data, documents, and risk assessments in a central repository to stay on top of compliance.

Drive efficient risk reviews

Directly incorporate risk assessments into approval workflows, leveraging smart automation to hit your team's SLAs.

Vendor assessment, simplified

Zip empowers IT teams to take control of vendor management by providing an easy way to integrate risk assessments into the procurement process from the very beginning.

By introducing additional controls throughout the approval process, Zip reduces vendor sprawl and optimizes technology investments for maximum spend ROI.
Our CTO can see where all requests are coming from in one place, and we can reach out to the right people to run a performance evaluation before contracts are signed.
Kyle Dowley, VP IT, Business Insider
Ivan Makarov
VP of Finance, Webflow
Read Business Insider's story
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Maximize the ROI of your business spend