
What I learned hosting ‘Women in Procurement’ at Zip Forward

Amanda Prochaska shares insights from our community of women in procurement

Written By
Amanda Prochaska
Founder, Wonder Services

My name is Amanda Prochaska, founder of Wonder Services! I recently had the privilege of participating in a Fireside Chat at the ‘Women in Procurement and Finance’ networking event at Zip Forward 2024

This event was an incredible opportunity to bring together the community and discuss how we can uplift and encourage the powerful women in our industry. We hosted women from all kinds of different industries and at different points in their careers.  But, what was consistent between all attendees was that we all wanted to learn at least one golden nugget of information that we could apply immediately.

As someone who’s been a part of the procurement world for over 20 years, I am passionate about helping women support and connect with one another. I’ve witnessed the incredible things that happen when women come together and support each other, and I believe we are stronger together than we are apart.  

At Zip Forward 2024, Cindy Yan, VP of Source to Pay at Coinbase, Shradha Muktidoot, Director of Global Supply Management and Procurement Operations at Lyft, and I explored the ways women can empower each other and create more opportunities for growth. I’m excited to share the three key areas we discussed that are critical to supporting a thriving community of women in procurement.

Amy Prochaska, Cindy Yan of Coinbase, and Shradha Muktidoot of Lyft at the 'Women in Procurement' breakfast at Zip Forward 2024

The power of networking and PIE

Networking has been a game-changer in my own career. When I first began sharing my thoughts and insights on LinkedIn, I discovered the power of using my voice and connecting with others. Instead of waiting to be invited, I found my “spot at the table” by building relationships and offering value.

This same passion for connection led me to found Global Women Procurement Professionals (GWPP) in 2021. What began as a simple LinkedIn group has since grown into a thriving network of over 5,000 members, united in their commitment to supporting women in procurement. Through GWPP, I’ve seen firsthand that networking goes far beyond just seeking out mentors—it’s about creating a community that uplifts and empowers one another.

“When we support each other, we create a ripple effect. We break down barriers, not just for ourselves, but for future generations of women leaders. That’s the power of sisterhood in our industry.”

As you build your network, I often advise women to focus on their “PIE”—Performance, Image, and Exposure. These three elements are crucial for shaping how you’re perceived and how much influence you have.

To develop your PIE, consider: 

  • What comes to mind when people hear your name? 
  • Are you aligning your image with the value you aim to deliver? 

By actively managing your PIE, you ensure that you’re part of the conversation, even in rooms where decisions are being made without you. You’ll also naturally gravitate toward like-minded individuals who can transform not only your career but also the industry around you.

Amy Prochaska, Cindy Yan of Coinbase, and Shradha Muktidoot of Lyft at the 'Women in Procurement' breakfast at Zip Forward 2024

Moving from scarcity to abundance

One of the most unfortunate challenges we still face as women in leadership is the scarcity mindset—this belief that there are limited opportunities for women, so if one woman wins, another must lose. This mindset has been ingrained in us for so long that it often leads to unnecessary competition. However, it’s important to recognize that this only holds us back.

A scarcity mindset makes us victims, and victims feel like things are happening to them, leaving them stuck. But when we shift to an abundance mindset, everything changes. Instead of seeing another woman’s success as a threat, we view it as a path being paved for others like us to follow. When one of us wins, we all win. 

When we support each other, we create a ripple effect. We break down barriers, not just for ourselves, but for future generations of women leaders. That’s the power of sisterhood in our industry.

Assertiveness vs. aggressiveness

Early in my career, a female leader told me, "You’re in the room to add value. Someone believed in your potential, so don’t sit quietly in the corner." That advice helped me find my voice, but I quickly learned that being outspoken can be seen as a negative trait in women. We are called stubborn or difficult, while men exhibiting the same behaviors are praised for being confident or decisive. 

It’s crucial that we break this narrative. Assertiveness is a powerful quality that women shouldn’t shy away from. We need to support each other when we see this bias, reminding ourselves that being outspoken isn’t a flaw—it’s a strength.

The future of women in procurement

The future is bright for women in procurement and finance. I’m inspired every day by the growing number of female leaders and CEOs in our field. Yes, there are still challenges ahead, but the progress we’ve made shows that when we support each other, there’s no limit to what we can accomplish. 

We need to continue to push for more, to celebrate each other’s successes, and to pave the way for the next generation of women leaders.

Key actions from the event

Cindy and Shradha were absolutely amazing panelists who shared their learnings and advice to those in attendance at the ‘Women in Procurement’ community event at Zip Forward

They inspired action to make sure we all continued our learning journey. They encouraged everyone in the room to:

  1. Stay connected and pick at least one woman in the room to meet with again. Networking and relationship building does not stop after the event.
  2. Gain exposure by speaking at events—sign up for Women Who Speak on LinkedIn to have conferences find you!
  3. Apply one learning from the discussion into your career and personal development plans, such as PIE or asking great questions

Applying these golden nuggets will enhance our careers!

Written By
Amanda Prochaska
Founder, Wonder Services

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