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Top 11 Procurement KPIs & metrics: Measure & track success

Top 11 Procurement KPIs & metrics: Measure & track success

Procurement metrics are vital for monitoring and measuring performance within the supply chain, allowing businesses to make informed operational decisions and improve efficiency. Understanding how organizational purchasing impacts the bottom line requires analysis of available data, and a thoughtful approach to continuous improvement.

From tracking spend patterns to evaluating vendor quality, effective measurement is an essential part of any successful procurement strategy. Proper utilization of procurement metrics identifies errors and inefficiencies, while helping organizations control costs and ensure compliance with established purchasing practices.

This guide explores the critical procurement metrics essential for enhancing visibility and operational insight within your business. We’ll outline the essential procurement key performance indicators (KPIs), their significance, and how Zip can optimize reporting, approvals, and cycle times at your organization.

Key Takeaways:

  • Procurement metrics measure and analyze a company's purchasing processes, aiding in performance optimization and cost-saving identification
  • Essential procurement KPIs include Total Cost of Ownership, Purchase Order Cycle Time, Supplier Lead Time, On-Time Delivery, and several others
  • Improving these metrics involves selecting relevant KPIs, setting benchmarks, utilizing data tracking tools, and continuous monitoring and adjustment
  • Managing procurement metrics effectively enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and improves procurement decision-making

What are procurement metrics?

Procurement metrics are analytical methods used to measure and evaluate the overall performance of a company’s purchasing and procurement process. These metrics can include elements such as pricing analysis, supplier cost analysis, and overall supplier performance. 

By taking into consideration the effectiveness and component costs associated with the procurement process, procurement professionals can better understand if their investments are running optimally or if improvements might be necessary in order for them to remain successful.

Top 11 procurement KPIs and metrics

Here is a list of important procurement metrics and KPIs that businesses can use to evaluate and optimize their procurement processes:

1. Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Total cost of ownership (TCO) is a key aspect that businesses need to consider when evaluating and optimizing their procurement processes. TCO takes into account not only the upfront costs of an item, but also all associated costs during the life cycle of that item, including installation, maintenance, resource consumption, cost-avoidance strategies, and more. 

By analyzing these associated costs in addition to purchase price at the beginning of procurement, businesses can make more informed decisions on which suppliers best fit their needs and make investments that provide solid returns over time.

2. Purchase order cycle time

Purchase order (PO) cycle time is another important metric for businesses to consider when managing procurements. This metric reflects the amount of time it takes to process any number of orders from the start of the ordering process to end, helping businesses ensure they accurately track progress while working with any number of suppliers or vendors. 

Accurately measuring this metric allows companies to identify bottlenecks in their processes or areas where investments could be made for improvements in efficiency which will ultimately result in annual cost savings for a business.

Find out how Patreon was able to reduce cycle times by 50%, and increase spend under management by 300% by using Zip.

3. Supplier lead time

Supplier lead time is one way for businesses to assess how long it will take them to receive items from vendors or suppliers after making an order. This metric considers the amount of time necessary for both the supplier’s production time as well as shipping processing times–allowing businesses to make sure all deadlines are met reliably without incurring potential penalties or damages from late deliveries. 

With accurate supplier lead-time estimations in place, companies can better plan their inventory levels and take steps toward further streamlining operations via better forecasting abilities.

4. On-time delivery

On-time delivery is essential when it comes to optimizing procurement practices and meeting customer requirements efficiently. The faster a product goes through its production process, the sooner customers can reap the benefits. 

Tracking on-time delivery rates allows companies to gain insight into their own performance while better monitoring partners who may be involved earlier in production cycles and hold up progress if needed adjustments aren’t made quickly enough.

5. Supplier Performance Index (SPI)

The Supplier Performance Index (SPI) is an important metric for businesses to track when evaluating and optimizing their procurement processes. This score gives an in-depth rating of suppliers based on a variety of factors, such as delivery time, quality, and pricing. Companies can use this score to improve selection and overall satisfaction with suppliers. Tracking the SPI can help companies make better informed decisions about vendors, minimizing risk and increasing efficiency.

6. Procurement Return on Investment (ROI)

Procurement Return on Investment (ROI) is a vital metric that businesses need to assess when looking at their procurement performance. By calculating the financial benefit gained from procurement activities relative to its cost, organizations can identify any potential opportunity cost associated with not properly conducting software procurement activities. 

Having accurate ROI data helps companies determine whether or not they're making the right investments in purchasing technology, services, and other products related to procurement operations.

7. Contract compliance

Contract compliance shows how consistently businesses adhere to established contracts and agreements related to their purchases or procurements. Checking compliance rate with these standards is paramount when managing supply chains. 

It allows firms to uncover any discrepancies quickly ensuring they remain compliant with contracting regulations while also mitigating risks. Companies may opt for specialized tools that provide automated checks reducing efforts associated with manually scrubbing through contract details saving both time and money.

8. Spend Under Management (SUM)

Measuring spend under management is important for organizations striving for maximum efficiency when it comes to procurement processes. Determining how much of an organization's total expenditure is actively managed allows them to measure productivity levels across departments enabling them to make smarter decisions moving forward. 

Establishing benchmarks assists them benchmark current performance levels against previous ones allowing them to identify ways in which they could further optimize spend over time resulting in greater profit potentials and procurement ROI in the long term.

9. Spend analysis

Spend analysis is an important metric to consider for any business. It provides insight into how much money is allocated for goods and services, allowing businesses to identify areas of potential cost reduction or process improvement. Additionally, spend analysis can help inform decisions related to budget planning and pricing optimization. By collecting, categorizing, and analyzing procurement spend data, businesses can develop a better understanding of their purchases and make more informed budget choices.

10. Supplier concentration

Supplier concentration is another useful metric for evaluating procurement processes. This metric looks at how heavily an organization relies on certain suppliers for their goods and services. If too many resources are devoted to a single supplier, it could create potential problems down the line that affect profitability and customer satisfaction. 

On the other hand, if too few resources are devoted to any one supplier, then there will be less bargaining power when it comes time to negotiate new contracts or renew existing ones. Businesses should strive to find the right balance in order to ensure they are getting the best value from their supplier relationships while still reaching optimal levels of efficiency and productivity.

11. First-Time Match Rate (FTM)

The First-Time Match Rate is an invaluable purchasing KPI when it comes measuring process effectiveness and accuracy in procurement departments. This metric tracks whether invoices match purchase orders and receipts on the first attempt–a key sign of efficient internal processes within procurement teams. 

By implementing strategies to improve this rate–such as using modern technologies that automate invoice processing–businesses can save both time and money associated with unnecessary rework or manual correction of errors or maverick spend within the purchasing process

Additionally, organizations may be able to reduce buyers’ stress when dealing with large volumes of incoming invoices knowing mistakes were avoided due in part to proactive measures taken near the source of transaction entry. With these improved rates come improved accuracy throughout all stages of purchase transactions–a testament to any business eagerness in minimizing embedded risk in its procurement operations

These procurement metrics and KPIs provide businesses with valuable insights into their procurement performance, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Best practices for procurement KPIs and metrics

KPIs and metrics serve as the compass for procurement activities, guiding teams towards strategic objectives and improved outcomes. However, the effectiveness of this guidance is significantly enhanced by adopting best practices for measuring these KPIs. 

Standardizing the process for measuring success in procurement ensures consistency, reliability, and actionable insights. Let’s explore several best practices vital for leveraging procurement KPIs to their full potential.

Set specific KPI goals

The foundation of any effective measurement strategy is clarity in what you aim to achieve. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for each KPI aligns procurement activities with the organization's broader objectives. This practice not only focuses efforts but also facilitates the evaluation of performance against these predefined benchmarks, allowing for timely adjustments and targeted improvements.

Ensure accurate data

The integrity of KPIs hinges on the accuracy of the data they are based on. Ensuring accurate data collection, processing, and analysis methods are in place is paramount. This involves regular audits of data sources, verification processes, and the implementation of robust data management systems. 

At Zip, we recommend leveraging automation and AI-powered insights to empower procurement teams to make informed decisions that drive real impact.

Make KPI data accessible

Accessibility to KPI data is crucial for fostering an environment of transparency and continuous improvement. By making data readily available to all stakeholders, organizations can democratize the decision-making process, encouraging collaboration and collective accountability. Accessible data also enables real-time monitoring and swift action, ensuring procurement objectives remain front and center across the organization.

Evolve KPIs with emerging trends

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the parameters for procurement success. Adapting and evolving KPIs in response to emerging trends, market conditions, and technological advancements ensure that procurement strategies remain relevant and effective. This dynamic approach to KPI management allows organizations to stay ahead of the curve, embracing innovation and driving sustained growth.

Why are procurement metrics important

The importance of procurement metrics is evidenced by the fact that many large organizations have adopted various methods for tracking and measuring their purchases. 

Not only does it allow companies to better identify areas where hard savings might be possible, but it also helps them maintain control over their spending, optimize contracts related to procurement, improve service levels from suppliers and vendors, and support strategic decision making when evaluating the total cost of ownership associated with the purchase of certain goods or services.

Understanding how different activities within the procurement workflow impact business costs can prove invaluable over time--not only can a company maximize its own procurement efforts, but become an attractive vendor partner by driving a mutual value-based approach throughout its supply chain. 

Through thoughtful analysis and management of different metrics such as risk boundaries, terms of payment incentives, delivery requirements, contract lifecycles, etc., businesses can ensure they are meeting customer expectations while at the same time keeping operations costs within budgeted limits.

How to track and improve procurement metrics and KPIs

Keeping track of and improving procurement metrics and KPIs involves a combination of monitoring, analysis, and continuous improvement efforts. Here are some steps businesses can take to track and enhance their procurement performance:

Identify Relevant Metrics

Identifying relevant metrics for tracking and improvement is the first step businesses should take when tackling procurement performance. This process involves gathering information from internal systems, external providers, and industry best practices to establish a comprehensive picture of current performance. Developing cross-functional groups to assess what data points are truly significant and align with operational objectives allows for a tailored view of the organization's processes. 

Establish a baseline

Establishing a baseline of procurement metrics helps provide an understanding of past performance trends, allowing for more accurate forecasting of the future trajectory. Identifying benchmarks is important to contextualize individual performance in the larger competitive landscape, as well as better compare business objectives against external standards. 

Business intelligence tools can also help track and visualize key performance indicators over time so patterns can be parsed and irregularities quickly identified. 

Implement data tracking tools

Ensure that established metrics are tracked by employing reliable data collection technologies across multiple platforms. Automated solutions can substantially reduce manual work while increasing accuracy; this creates greater visibility into a business’s collective operations, providing nuanced insights into the bigger picture. Investing in scalable methods enables businesses to accurately monitor pertinent information at any desired level of granularity–from aggregate figures to individual components–further enabling timely decision making. 

Set targets and benchmarks

Once baselines have been established, organizations should set realistic targets based on process maturity and capabilities, ensuring goals aren't too lofty to realistically achieve or maintain in the long-term. Benchmarking past accomplishments against similar organizations provides even greater context, allowing companies to both set appropriate goals and identify needed improvements beyond core transactional efficiencies. Establishing key milestones along the way serves as encouragement for success within rolling timelines and keeps teams motivated throughout their improvement journey. 

Monitor and analyze

With KPIs established and appropriate technologies implemented, regular monitoring needs to be conducted in order to ensure all data stays up-to-date, as well as detect any potential issues before they cause missed objectives or additional stress down the road. 

Applying analytics techniques makes it easier to correlate activities with outcomes within larger organizations while isolating aberrant behavior where applicable; look out especially for hidden opportunities during times of heightened activity or major projects which could lead previously unrecognized gains when managed correctly. 

Communicate and train

In addition to regular analysis sessions internally among key stakeholders, Continuous improvement initiatives require effective communication between managerial personnel and team members on best practices and company goals. Training staff on how measurements will be collected as well ongoing feedback ensures that everyone understands their roles clearly–tasks are completed properly without compromising procurement efficiency standards in order to save resources or meet arbitrary deadlines prematurely. 

Review and adjust

Regularly reviewing and adjusting KPIs should be another step businesses take to track and improve procurement performance. By assessing the effectiveness of current KPIs, businesses can ensure they are targeting the right metrics, while creating an opportunity to identify any possible areas of improvement. 

Well-defined and regularly monitored KPIs can act as barometers for progress against achievable objectives and serve as a source of evidence that business goals have been met or improved upon. When there is competitiveness involved, you should leverage tools like Zip that can help you retain an edge.

In following these steps, businesses can effectively keep track of and improve their procurement metrics and KPIs, leading to enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and a more strategic procurement function.

Who should track procurement KPIs and metrics?

Effective procurement metric tracking and improvement, when implemented correctly, has a positive impact on various roles and functions within a company. Here's what it looks like for each key role or function:


Effective procurement metrics tracking and improvement can be incredibly valuable for CFOs. In a modern business setting, the CFO is often responsible for overseeing major purchases and decision-making authority for spending in the company. 

Thus, having ready access to accurate and timely metrics of how procurement is currently performing will allow them to effectively assess spending habits and make informed decisions on policy adjustments or budget adjustment that can have a large impact on bottom-line savings. Procurement metric tracking also aids the CFO in making data-driven decisions precisely at the time they need it most—facilitating potential emergency purchases, or managing shortages—while helping give visibility to help with cost management.


As CEO of any business, procuring goods and services in an efficient manner can have a major impact when it comes to understanding costs associated with running day-to-day operations. With effective procurement metric tracking and improvement integrated into their systems, CEOs are empowered with accurate insights that enable smarter decision-making–from strategy to price negotiation–which can help maximize return on investment. Additionally, real-time data presents opportunities for leaders to measure their strategic initiatives quickly and develop more effective strategies for negotiating better deals, or ensuring business sustainability, with new vendors or suppliers. 

Finance teams 

The benefit of having an effective procurement metric tracking system for finance teams doesn’t stop at shopping around or negotiating better costs; it extends to being able to track invoices from multiple suppliers in real time, gaining insights into what’s being spent versus what’s being saved. 

Automating invoice processing makes sure payment schedules are honored earlier and enables finance teams to quantify their successes while reducing paperwork processes significantly using intelligent deep learning algorithms. With this automated system in place, finance teams can easily identify potential discrepancies between procurement activities compared across different departments or across regions. 

Procurement teams

Once an effective procurement metric system is in place, procurement teams are well-equipped to make efficient and cost-effective decisions in sourcing. These decisions include forming proper partnerships with vendors, assessing potential risks when it comes to goods or services purchased, and closely tracking supplier performance. 

With powerful metric tracking tools at their disposal, allocated resources are maximized and opportunities for improvement can be easily identified. While maintaining these standards, the team as a whole can ensure that strategies are carried out efficiently, optimally reducing levels of waste while mastering the art of driving refinement within existing processes.


The value of an effective metric system is far from limited to procurement teams alone, however. Executives across departments stand to benefit from positive impacts on their bottom line due to increased savings and better resource management throughout the entire organization. Data acquired through reliable metric tracking helps inform budgeting decisions that streamline operations and increase productivity. Furthermore, this data may also act as a predictor for unforeseen issues before they arise which could result in down time or hazardous circumstances–delivering peace of mind for all stakeholders involved.

Optimize procurement KPIs with Zip

Zip is the world’s leading procurement orchestration platform, which streamlines the procurement process and allows businesses to control spend, reduce risk, and optimize operations. Our platform simplifies approvals, automates vendor approval workflows, and reduces cycle times. 

With Zip, employees make all purchase requests with a consumer-grade ‘single front door’ at Intake, allowing procurement teams to stay fully in control throughout every step of the procurement process/

By providing real-time visibility into purchase and vendor request pipelines, Zip ensures all purchases follow the correct approval flows and helps eliminate redundant vendors, empowering procurement leaders to effortlessly track and report on procurement KPIs vital for business. 

Leveraging AI-powered insights and process guidance, Zip's platform enhances procurement management, offering data-driven insights that enable reporting, auditing, and supplier performance. With features designed to streamline procurement activities and elevate what’s possible in business spend, Zip is the ideal procurement orchestration platform for any forward-thinking business.

For those ready to elevate their KPI reporting on supplier performance, booking a demo with Zip today could be the first step towards transforming your procurement processes.

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