
What is Purchase Order Management? Steps & best practices

Discover top strategies to optimize procurement accuracy and save time.

Written By
The Zip Team

Procurement is a sophisticated business. At first, it seems like the purchasing flow is a simple process any finance team can quickly whip together.Ā 

But the deeper you understand the official documents, processes, and protocols necessary to ensure compliance and efficiency, the sooner you understand that the purchasing department has a complex, but important role in driving impact on growth and the bottom line.

But how can organizations efficiently drive operations through procurement? The answer lies in strategic purchase order management.

By transitioning from traditional methods to integrated, automated, and orchestrated procurement platforms like Zip, businesses can elevate procurement's role in strategy and impact through every step of the process.

What is purchase order management?


Purchase order management involves overseeing and managing the creation, approval, and tracking of purchase orders within an organization.Ā 

This process ensures efficient and cost-effective purchasing operations. By streamlining the procurement process, companies can minimize human error, optimize inventory management, and maintain accurate records, thereby enhancing overall business operations.

Purchase Requisition vs. Purchase Order

Often confused, the difference between purchase requisitions and purchase orders is in the procurement workflow. Both documents are important at different stages of the purchasing process, and itā€™s important you donā€™t get them mistaken for one another.

A Purchase Requisition (PR) is an internal request for goods or services, initiating the procurement process.Ā 

A Purchase Order (PO) is a formal agreement between the organization and a supplier, detailing the terms of the purchase, including payment terms, delivery dates, and order details.


For a free step-by-step guide on how to create an effective procurement function at your organization, check out Zipā€™s ā€˜Procurement Zero-to-One Checklist: Essential Steps for Financial Leadersā€™.


How to manage purchase orders


Effective purchase order management involves several opportunities and strategies to optimize the process. While it has historically been labor intensive and time-consuming, new tools and technologies have helped to streamline the PO process, freeing up valuable time for strategic work.Ā 

Here are some useful optimizations for lightening the load:

  • Automation: Use purchase order management software that enables automation to reduce manual processes and human error. Automated data extraction and real-time tracking can significantly enhance the efficiency of the purchase order process.
  • Standardization: Develop standardized templates and spreadsheets to ensure consistency across all purchase orders.
  • Approval Workflow: Implement a robust approval process to ensure all purchase orders are reviewed and approved by relevant stakeholders before issuance.
  • Integration: Use an integrated procurement platform like Zip to centralize purchase order management, facilitating better communication and data handling across departments.

The three levels of purchase order management


Purchase order management operates on three levels: strategic, tactical, and operational. Here are the phases of operations youā€™ll be working from.

  • Strategic Level: Involves long-term planning and aligning purchase order management with overall business objectives. Youā€™ll want to set KPIs and optimize the procurement strategy to support organizational goals.
  • Tactical Level: Focuses on the development and implementation of processes and systems to manage purchase orders efficiently. Here, youā€™ll use procurement software to streamline workflows and reduce bottlenecks.
  • Operational Level: Deals with the day-to-day management of purchase orders, including creating purchase orders, tracking purchase orders, and ensuring timely fulfillment and payment.

The purchase order workflow explained


Fortunately, the PO process has a simple and standardized workflow, consisting of several stages, from initiation to closure:

  1. Purchase Request: The process begins with a purchase requisition, an internal document requesting the procurement of goods or services.
  2. Approval Process: The requisition undergoes an approval workflow, ensuring it meets the necessary criteria and is authorized by the appropriate stakeholders.
  3. Purchase Order Creation: Once approved, a purchase order is created, detailing the order specifics, such as the PO number, supplier information, and order details.
  4. Issuance to Supplier: The purchase order is sent to the supplier, creating a legally binding contract.
  5. Receipt of Goods/Services: Upon delivery, the organization verifies that the goods or services meet the specified requirements.
  6. Payment: The final step involves processing the payment, completing the purchase order lifecycle.

Challenges in purchase order management


As simple as the workflow sounds, there can be problems while working throughout the process, even outside of normal supply chain challenges outside of your control. Here are some of the issues worth keeping an eye out internally.

  • Lack of Standardization: Inconsistent formats and procedures can lead to confusion and inefficiencies.
  • Communication Gaps: Poor communication between departments can result in delays and errors.
  • Data Discrepancies: Inaccurate data handling can cause significant issues in tracking and fulfilling orders.

To address these challenges, companies can implement centralized systems and integrated procurement platforms like Zip. These solutions ensure consistency, transparency, and efficient communication, ultimately improving the purchase order management process.

Benefits of an effective purchase order system


Implementing a dedicated purchase order system offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance procurement operations. Key benefits include:

Improved Procurement Efficiency

A dedicated purchase order management system automates manual processes, reducing the time spent on data entry and manual purchase order creation. This streamlines the workflow, enabling procurement teams to focus on strategic tasks rather than routine administrative work.

Enhanced Supplier Relationships

By providing a standardized and transparent process, a purchase order system fosters better communication and reliability with suppliers. Consistent and timely PO approval and routing help maintain strong supplier relationships, ensuring better terms and service.

Improved Financial Control

An effective purchase order system offers greater visibility into procurement spend, enabling better budget control and financial planning. Real-time tracking and reporting ensure that all purchases are accounted for and aligned with the organization's financial goals.

Zip contributes to achieving these benefits through features like real-time reporting and tracking, role-based permissions, and automation, ensuring that procurement operations are efficient, transparent, and well-controlled.


Purchase order managementā€™s impact on overall procurement strategy


Effective purchase order management is not just about processing orders; it plays an important role in aligning with and supporting broader procurement goals. Here are some key opportunities and impacts.

Cost Savings

By optimizing the purchase order process, organizations can reduce waste and negotiate better terms with suppliers, leading to significant cost savings. Automated purchase order approval and three-way matching reduce discrepancies and improve accuracy, further controlling costs.

Risk Management

A robust PO management system enhances compliance with procurement policies and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of fraud and errors. Standard purchase orders and blanket purchase orders help ensure consistent practices across the organization.

Operational Excellence

Streamlined purchase order management improves overall operational efficiency. By reducing manual purchase order processes and improving data accuracy, organizations can achieve higher levels of operational excellence, supporting long-term strategic goals.


Optimize purchase order management with Zip


To fully realize the benefits of effective purchase order management, adopting a comprehensive solution like Zip is the key to success. Zip's approach focuses on automation, visibility, and optimization, enhancing procurement strategies across the board.

  1. Automated Data Extraction: This feature utilizes AI-driven tools to streamline the extraction of key data from purchase orders and other documents, significantly reducing manual input and the potential for errors. This capability ensures that procurement teams can focus on more strategic tasks rather than being bogged down by data entry.
  2. Painless PO Adoption: By capturing essential data at the request stage and automating PO creation, Zipā€™s Intake process simplifies adherence to procurement policies. This addresses one of the most significant pain points in purchase order management by making it easier for employees to comply with organizational policies without the need for extensive training or manual intervention.
  3. Simplified AP Visibility: Zip ensures that all necessary finance data flows seamlessly throughout the procurement process. By automating the propagation of accounting and payment data, Zip not only improves the accuracy of financial records but also enhances the visibility and tracking of procurement spend.
  4. Powerful Insights and Analytics: Access to spend and performance data enables procurement leaders to control budgets effectively and identify savings opportunities. With detailed insights at their fingertips, decision-makers can make more informed strategic choices, contributing to better financial and operational outcomes.

By leveraging these features, Zip ensures that your procurement team can operate efficiently, reduce bottlenecks, and enhance overall procurement management. Request a demo to see how Zip can transform your purchase order management process.

Written By
The Zip Team

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